Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

This Halloween weekend we had Katie for Friday and Saturday and then she went with her mom for Halloween day. We had a lot of fun.

On Saturday night we went to the Trunk-or-Treat for our church. We decorated my car (or I should say Jason decorated my car) for the Trunk-or-Treat. He even rigged it so that the sign lit up. The picture doesn't do it justice! You can't see all the decorations but you get the idea! We won an award for the awesome decorations. We were excited! We got coupons for free frostys at Wendy's. Yum!

There were A LOT of kids there and I ran out of candy (a big Costco size bag of candy). Katie got a lot of candy too.

Katie and I did the sack races. There were booths to go to in the gym of the church building. Katie won!

Jason had to try on Katie's mask! :)

The entrance to the gym.

Our pumpkins that we carved. Well...ok...Jason carved the cat (for Katie) and the grim reaper pumpkins and I carved the little old fashioned guy. We named him "Happy Hal"

My dogs are soooo weird. They loved to eat the pumpkin guts. They stood right next to Jason the whole time he was cleaning out the pumpkins hoping for a treat. YUM!

At the pumpkin patch there was a dog (owned by someone who works at the patch). The dog saw Jason and decided to bring him a stick. So Jason ended up playing fetch with the dog forever. It was pretty cute.

Katie playing in the hay bales at the pumpkin patch.

The pumpkin patch was out of pumpkins when we got there. Guess that is what happens when you wait until the day before Halloween to go to the patch. As we were walking around the farm I saw this little abandoned pumpkin and had to buy it. I was determined to come home with a pumpkin and it was cute.

Since the pumpkin patch we went to was out of pumpkins we went by Albertsons and bought some nice big pumpkins.

On Friday night we took Katie and my dogs trick or treating down Main Street in Bozeman. The businesses hand out candy every year. I even dressed the dogs up. Dakota was a hot dog and Theo was a squirrel. They looked cute and got a lot of attention from all the people.

On Main Street. Love my bats headband? That was my costume this year. :)

Katie was a "vampire, princess, kitty cat" for Halloween this year. That is how she described her costume.

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