Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall International Children's Festival

On Saturday Jason, Katie, and I went to the Fall International Children's Fesitval put on by MSU International Students. They had booths set up with crafts, musical instruments, face/hand painting, dress up, etc. It was fun. Katie's favorite part was the dress up.

Katie played at the cool playground by the festival.

She got a dragonfly painted on her hand (in blue of course).

Katie's international outfits of dress-up......

There was a hula hoop booth. Katie and I had fun hula hooping. I actually could do it because they had a huge, adult-sized hula hoop. :)

1 comment:

  1. Did you see that Noele is moving to Helena? You will practically be neighbors! I now have four good friends in Montana. What is going on up there anyway? :)
