Monday, May 16, 2011

The New Hamster Saga

In her class a couple of weeks ago Katie had the assignment to write a persuasive letter to someone. She decided to write a letter to her dad trying to persuade him to get her a new hamster since our hamster Buddy passed away about six months ago. It was a pretty convincing letter and so we got a new hamster (but not without some drama). Our new little hamster, Sergeant Peanut (Katie chose the name....we looked up names on google and that is what she chose) is a sweet hamster. But he was hamster number 2 in our search for our new pet. The first hamster named Squeak (Katie named him that because of a squeaky noise he made) was mean and would bite if you got close to him. He drew blood on Jason more than once. Of course, Katie and I didn't want to hold him because of the threat of pain. So....Squeak went back to Petsmart and we got Serg. instead!

Our nice hamster Sergeant Peanut......

Bonus points if you can tell me what show I have paused on the TV in the background. :)

Our not so nice hamster, Squeak (notice he is not being held for the picture)......


  1. Cute! I used to have a hamster when I was about Katie's age named Squeakers because of the same reason, he would make a funny squeaking noise. He, however, was not a biter. Glad you guys took him back and got a nicer hamster instead. =] Oh, and the show you have paused is GLEE!!!! =] Love that show!

  2. Cute, but kinda creepy with those red beady eyes! I am glad you finally got Katie another one. And yes that show is Glee!

  3. The principal of Glee is on KTLA right now. Miss you
